Top 20 Land Buyer Questions for 2018
- How is the property accessed? (Road frontage, deeded easement, etc..)
- Are there any water features on the property? Seasonal or year round (rivers, creek, lake, springs)
- Are utilities available to the property? (i.e water, electric, septic)
- What types of trees are on the property? (variety, age, planted or natural)
- Has the property been surveyed? (make sure if surveyed that it is a certified map?)
- Who are the neighbors surrounding the tract? (is Quality Deer Management in place)
- Can I get a clear title abstract to the property? (Iowa is an abstracting state)
- Do the timber, mineral and water rights convey with the sale?
- Are there any easements on the property? (adjoining owners, conservation, utility)
- Are there any known environmental concerns or latent defects with the property?
- How is this property zoned? (agricultural, residential, commercial?)
- What are the annual property taxes?
- Have the owners received notice from any governmental agency about possible assessments or actions in the near future that would affect this property?
- Will the property be conveyed subject to covenant and restrictions? (If so, what are they?)
- How does the land lay (topography)? (slopes, bottomland, elevation change, etc…)
- Are there internal roads and trails?
- Do all of the improvements to the property convey with the sale? (gates and fences, shooting houses, out buildings, etc…)
- Does the land drain well or does it stay wet for much of the year?
- If I had to sell this property again in a year, is it desirable to other potential buyers?
- Can I pee off my porch in privacy the true measure of seclusion:)?
Understanding Sundown Lake
Sundown Lake is a private lake community that was established as a HOA development by Secluded Land Company LLC in 2005. There are a total of ten phases to the development. Each phase 1-10 started with phase 1 represents a surveyed area of the roughly 2400 acres of land that surrounds Sundown Lake. There is a total of 350 lots in the 10 phases of development which makes this one of quietest private lakes in the midwest.
Proper Log Cabin Maintenance
Log cabins and homes are a popular building choice among those who live in wooded areas, or along streams, rivers, and lakes. Their rustic look and outdoorsy feel make them a perfect addition to the atmosphere of these locations. While a log home can be extremely attractive and a source of envy for some, many people tend to shy away from building them because of the maintenance they require.
Winter is Around the Corner; Is Your Lake Home Ready?
This time of year is always a bit sad with the cold weather on the way. The hot, sunny days that are perfect for a weekend at the lake become a memory or are somewhere in the distant future. If your lake home is primarily used as a summer vacation getaway there are a few things you will want to do to keep it clean and protected during the winter.