It looks like according to the Des Moines Register’s article June 9, 2013 the home and construction market in the Des Moines metro area has fully recovered.
Des Moines Register – A Building Frenzy in Iowa
It is interesting how the national media puts the scare tactics out there to influence buyers into thinking that good deals will be around for years and that recovery in a down market gives buyers the luxury of waiting. After providing years of discounts and free upgrades, Kimberley, of Kimberley Development, expects a 5 percent increase in home prices. In addition to higher building materials costs, subcontractors also are pushing prices higher. “Suppliers and labor had dropped their prices just to survive the tough business climate,” he said. “But now, just about everyone is taking increases. There are no more deals in the market,” Kimberley said. “People looking to get a steal are too late.”
If you have been searching for lake or recreational property our market is still in the recovery stage. If you have been searching for that “one” deal that you can’t miss on Lake Sundown has great opportunities. This is a ground-floor development with well-established amenities to the properties. Don’t get left out there is still time to take advantage of this summer’s lake deals. Lakefront lots starting at $59,900.