According to a recent article in the Des Moines Register, the prices of homes in Iowa as well as the number of sales has been steadily increasing in the last year. In October “home prices were up 6.5 percent” compared to October of last year. The number of home sales has also increased 3.2 percent since last October and are up 33 percent since 2010. Another positive statistic states that the average number of days a house stays on the market “dropped by 19 percent to 79 days”. This is an encouraging sign that the economy, and in turn the housing market, is slowly coming out of its slump. The president of the Iowa Association of Realtors believes that some of these facts are due to less strict requirements by banks and an increase in cash buyers.
This is great news for us at Iowa Land for Sale as we continue to add more houses and lots to our active listings. Many of these lots are undeveloped and offer the buyer the chance to customize it to their liking and build the home of their dreams. This also follows a trend according to RealEstate.com that states “30% of all listing in the Iowa real estate market are undeveloped lots and land for sale.” While this may create competition one thing that puts us ahead of the rest is that many of our lots also include access to a private lake or even a home right on the waterfront.
Sources: http://www.realestate.com/state/IA/, http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2013311140106&gcheck=1&nclick_check=1